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Best Ways to Earn money with zero investment in 2022 || Passive income ideas 2021

Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to tell you all the best income ideas for 2021 and 2022 also so let's begin with this post:-

Let's begin with the first post which is:

YouTube Channel

Social Media has become a very important part of our daily lives. There are many social media which pay us if we create content on them. YouTube is one of these social media sites.  There are many ways to earn money using YouTube. We will be discussing all of those during this post so the topic is that you should create a YouTube channel and then start creating content. Once your channel has grown then believe me guys you will build a great audience for yourself and then you can use this audience in whatever you want. How to do this we will be discussing later. You can learn about YouTube content creation and other things from YouTube itself.

Let’s come to the next part:

Investing in Crypto and Stocks

I don’t have enough knowledge in crypto and this field of stocks or say trading but I can give you a simple idea about crypto and stocks. So let’s begin:-

Firstly you should only be doing long term trading but once you have the enough knowledge in this field then you can start intraday trading and other kinds of trading. But in the long term trading there is always a great chance of earning money instead of losing it. That’s why I am recommending you to do this type of trading. 

The other thing is that if you invest in the nifty then it is a far better chance of earning instead of losing. So another suggestion is to invest in the nifty.

I hope that you liked this part so now let’s come to the next part :

Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a great way if you want to earn money. You can use the traffic which you have at youtube to earn money from affiliate marketing.

In affiliate marketing you go to some websites and join their affiliate program. Once you join their affiliate program then you get a link and you have to promote a link and make people buy products from that link. In this way when people purchase something from your link then you will get some commission. In this way you will earn a lot of money.

You can promote the link on youtube and then double your money.

Creating and Selling digital products 

Now the next way to triple your money from the youtube is that you can create some digital products and then sell them from your youtube channel and then you can earn a lots of money now once again if you don’t know about digital products and don’t know how to create them then here are some examples of digital products with explanation:

  • Ebooks : You can easily create ebooks in canva. You can create an ebook using your knowledge. First, you have to find the topic in which you are an expert. After that find outlines and list them all and also list all the questions that you have about this topic. Now find the solutions to your questions using google. Once you found all your answers then you have to make a plan how you will explain all the topics in your book. Now create a new google docs document or ms word document or whatever else you want and start writing all the chapters and outlines of your book. Once you do this then use a single rich text document for one of your chapters. Once you wrote everything then go to canva and then create a simple design and write everything using the pages of canva. Combine all the chapters in the canva. Now download this ebook as a pdf and start selling it using something like razorpay or amazon or any other thing you want and then promote it on your YouTube channel and then you will start earning money.

  • Online Courses : you can create an online course and then you can start promoting it on youtube. You will earn a lot of money using this one thing. You can create many more online products which you can find yourself because if I told everything in this single post then how will you get your ability called research so that’s why I am not telling any other online product but I will write the names of some more products which can be created without any investment.

  • Selling Notes

  • Game Cheat Codes


This is the most Important way of earning money. If you do this correctly then this can change you into a millionaire so don’t forget to do this thing. So this field called blogging is very important in the blogging you publish a written content everyday or once in a week or a month and then you monetize this content using the google adsense or do affiliate marketing you can follow this post for more information : 

I hope that you liked this post if yes then share it to your friends and family

Thank You.



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