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Showing posts from November, 2021

Top 10 cmd commands everyone should know

  Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to tell you that what are those cmd commands that you should learn in 2021 so let’s begin with the post :- Content of this post Cd command Type commands Mkdir command Rmdir command Code command Notepad command Ls and dir command Ipconfig command Shutdown command Exit command CD command The cd command is used to communicate between the files and folders of your pc. It is the first most important command that every computer user must know! Type Commands There are various kinds of type commands that are used to create multiple types of files like html files, css files, javascript files etc. Mkdir Command The mkdir command is used for creating directories(folder) in your pc. It is very much used by you while working on the computer. Rmdir Command  This command is used for removing a directory in your pc. It is also an important command for you to learn. Code Command The code command is used when you want to open the visual studio cod

Best Ways to Earn money with zero investment in 2022 || Passive income ideas 2021

Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to tell you all the best income ideas for 2021 and 2022 also so let's begin with this post:- Let's begin with the first post which is: YouTube Channel Social Media has become a very important part of our daily lives. There are many social media which pay us if we create content on them. YouTube is one of these social media sites.  There are many ways to earn money using YouTube. We will be discussing all of those during this post so the topic is that you should create a YouTube channel and then start creating content. Once your channel has grown then believe me guys you will build a great audience for yourself and then you can use this audience in whatever you want. How to do this we will be discussing later. You can learn about YouTube content creation and other things from YouTube itself. Let’s come to the next part: Investing in Crypto and Stocks I don’t have enough knowledge in crypto and this field of stocks or say

Realtime database using python || python practice programs #7 || codeandman 🔥🔥 (source code)

Hello what's up guys today in this post I am Going to give you the source code of my video called "How to create a Realtime database using python || python practice programs #7 || codeandman 🔥🔥" so let's begin with this post :  Here's the source code: # # ************************Realtime DataBase*************************** a = open (' db.txt ',' w ') cond = True while cond:     # adding the variables     name = input (" Enter Your Name: ")     age = input (" Enter Your Age: ")     profession = input (" Enter your profession ")     # writing to the file     a. write (" --------------------------------- \n ")     a. write ( f "Name: { name } \n " )     a. write ( f "Age: { age } \n " )     a. write ( f "Profession: { profession } \n " )     con = input (" Do You Want to Continue: ")     if con. lower () == " yes ":         pass     elif con. lower ()

Bill generator using python||Python practice programs #6|| codeandman (source code)

  hello what's up guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called Bill generator using python so let's begin with this awesome post: # BIll Generator # prints the name of things in a list and tells the total rate cond = True rate = 0 print (" Enter quit at any time to quit! ") things_list = [] while cond:     thing = input (" Enter the name of the goods you want buy: ") ;     if thing. lower () == " quit ":         cond = False     else :         main = int ( input (" Enter the Rate of the goods: "))         rate = main + rate         things_list. append ( thing )         pass print (" the total things are: ", things_list ) print (" The total rate is ", rate ) I hope that you liked this post. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to this video and also share this post Thank You.

Text to speech using python||Python practice Programs||codeandman(SourceCode)

hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give kyou the sourcecode of my video called "Text to speech using python||Python practice Programs||codeandman" so let's begin: Here's the complete sourcecode: # text to speech using python # speak import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3. init (' sapi5 ') voices = engine. getProperty (' voices ') text = input (" Enter the text you want to speak as a machine: ") voice = engine. setProperty ( voices ,[ 0 ]) engine. say ( text ) engine. runAndWait () The Logic Steps : Go to your terminal and type pip install pyttsx3 and wait till the python module is installed after that once again type pip install wheel in the terminal. after this create a python file now import pyttsx3 after that initialize it as the voice engine of windows called sapi5 Now take a input as a string and add its value to variable text after this tell the python which voice do you want to use now run engine.say and inside thi

Computer Science Complete Course - codeandman

Computer Science Complete Course - codeandman Hello what's up guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you a complete roadmap of computer science so let's begin: So guys if you are a student who is reading in school and you don't have too much money to spend on computer science courses then you don't need to worry because codeandman is creating a free roadmap which you can follow to become a self-taught computer science graduate. This course is created with a very simple layout and is very simple. It is the most  Firstly, I want to tell you that there are not only subjects related to computers in computer science but it also includes many more subjects like mathematics, physics, biology etc.  Now without any other delay let's start: The First Year firstly I want to tell  you that there are two semesters in the first year now lets see the first semester: First Semester During the First semester you will be covering the following Subjects:-  Mathemat

Day #4 || snake, water, gun game using python|| Python practice programs || codeandman🔥🔥😊😊❤️❤️[source code]

Hello what’s up guys today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called Day 4 || Python practice Programs so let’s begin: So guys in this video we have made snake, water, gun game so if you haven’t watched this video then do watch it and tell me in the comment section that what kind of projects should I bring in the future?. Also like the video so that I can help more people.  If you haven’t subscribed my channel then do subscribe for latest updates. Now let’s see the source code :  Here’s the complete source code : # # snake, water, gun game using python # # import random # # b = ['snake','water','gun'] # # a=random.choice(b) # # print(a)   # # Coding of the game starts from here # import random # user = input("Enter Your choice:") # l1 = ['snake','water','gun'] # comp = random.choice(l1) # print("Comp:",comp) # print("User:",user)   # if user == "snake" and comp == "