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Showing posts from December, 2021

Arrays and conversion in Javascript || javascript complete course || #7 (sourcecode)

hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called arrays and  conversion in JavaScript so let's begin:- // ARRAYS in javascript console . log (" This is arrays in js ") var arr1 = [ 32 , 34 , 23 , 23 , 234 ," this ", {     name:" Gautam ",     class : " 8th ",     rollno: 6 } ] console . log ( arr1 ) console . log ( arr1 [ 5 ]) console . log ( arr1 .length) console . log ( arr1 . concat (' main ')); console . log ( arr1 ); // // ---------------------------------------------------- // CONVERSION IN JAVASCRIPT // Converting in to strings var num1 = 45 ; console . log ( num1 ); var str1 = String ( num1 ); console . log ( str1 ); console . log ( typeof str1 ); console . log ( typeof num1 ); var number1 = 33453434 ; console . log ( number1 , typeof number1 ); var string1 = number1 . toString (); console . log ( string1 , typeof string1 ); // ----------------------------

Prime number detector using python || python practice programs || codeandman (source code)

hey guys how are you all today in this pos I am going to give you the source code of my video called prime number detector using python so let's begin: here's the source code: num = int ( input (" Enter the number you want to check: ")) for i in range ( 2 , num ):     if num % i == 0 :         print (" The number given is not prime ")         break else :     print (" The Number Given is Prime ") # ================== ''' 4 5*1 = 4 4<5 -------------------- 7 7/2 = 7/3 = 7/4 = 7/5 = 7/6= ''' I hope that you liked this post. Like, Share and Subscribe the video and the channel. Thank You.

Conditionals and Functions in javascript || javascript course || codeandman

Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called conditionals and functions in javascript so let's begin with this post:- here's the complete source code and the video:- // CONDITIONALS IN JAVASCRIPT if ( 1 < 1 ){     console . log (" Hello world 1 ") } else if ( 2 != 2 ){     console . log (" hello worldnot2 ") } else { console . log (" nothing was equal ") } // ---------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTIONS // Methods of defining a function // first method:- function printer ( a ){     console . log ( a ) } // second method:-(this is called fat arrow function) let fat_arrow_printer = ( a ) => {     console . log ( a + " 3 ") } // Calling a Function printer (" I want to print this statement "); fat_arrow_printer (" dhoom "); I hope that you liked this post. Like, Share and Subscribe to this video and the channel. Thank You.

types of operators in javascript || javascript course || codeandman (sourcecode)

hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called types of operators in javascript. so let's begin : here's the complete source code and the video:- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // COMPARISON OPERATORS IN JAVASCRIPT console . log (" COMPARISON OPERATORS IN JAVASCRIPT ") console . log ( 32 == 32 ) // checking if 32 is equal to 32 console . log ( 32 != 32 ) // checking if 32 is not equal to 32 console . log ( 32 >= 31 ) // checking if 32 is greater or equal to 31 console . log ( 32 < 33 ) console . log ( 32 > 30 ) console . log ( 32 <= 09 ) // ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS console . log (" --------------------------------------- ") console . log (" Assignment operators in javascript ") var d = 34 ; var e = 3 ; var a = 10 ; console . log ( d ) console . log ( d += 1 ) console . log ( d -= 3 ) console . log ( e *= 2 ) console . log

types of datatypes in javascript || js course for beginners || codeandman (source code)

  hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called "types of datatypes of javascript" so let's begin: here's the complete source code:- // TYPES OF DATATYPES IN JAVASCRIPT // Datatypes are the type of data in a programme // Javascript has the following data types: // * number // * string // * object // * boolean // * undefined // NUMBER -> of two types let num1 = 23 ; // this is a integer number -> number let num2 = 23.43 // this is a float number -> number // STRING -> can be written by two types let str1 = " Like, Share and Subscribe " // this is a string written inside double quotes -> string let str2 = ' Like, Share and Subscribe ' // this is a string written inside single quotes -> string // OBJECT -> is a key-value pair let obj1 = {     gautam: 99.9 ,     pranav : 85 } // BOOLEAN -> TRUE OR FALSE let bool1 = true ; let bool2 = false ; console . l

Arithmetic operators in javascript || codeandman

hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give you the source code of my video called "arithmetic operators in JavaScript " so let's begin : here's the complete Source Code written in the video:- // var num1 = 2 // var num2 = 4 // console.log("The first number is",num1,"and the second number is",num2) // console.log("The result of adding two numbers is ", num1+num2) // console.log("The result of subtracting two numbers is ", num2-num1) // console.log("The result of multiplying two numbers is ", num1*num2) // console.log("The result of divinding two numbers is ", num2/num1) // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creation of the project a = parseInt ( prompt (" Enter the first number: ")); b = parseInt ( prompt (" Enter the Second Number: ")); document . write (" <em>If you divide the two numbers then the result is ", b

How to get started with game development in 2024

  Hey guys, how are you all today? In this post I am going to tell you how you can create your own career in game development. Game development is the carrier which is growing rapidly these days. So today I will be sharing a complete step by step roadmap with you for becoming a successful game developer so let’s begin with this post:- How gaming is the hottest trend of 2022 The Global gaming market worthed 173 billion dollars in 2020 and It is estimated that by the end of 2026 it will reach 314 billion dollars. Becoming a game dev is really very beneficial in 2022. Everyone is entering the metaverse. If you don’t know what is metaverse then don’t worry we will be having a video on that soon on youtube channel. The metaverse means a digital world which requires a lot of developers. So you can say without any doubt that becoming a game developer will be very beneficial for you. How to start Game development I used to play games like GTA vice city when I was in 2nd-3rd standard. Then, I t

Variables in Javascript (Source code)

Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to give the source code of my second tutorial of javascript course. so let's begin this post: Here's the video index.html <! DOCTYPE html > < html lang =" en "> < head >     < meta charset =" UTF-8 ">     < meta http-equiv =" X-UA-Compatible " content =" IE=edge ">     < meta name =" viewport " content =" width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 ">     < title >JS TUTORIAL - 2 (variables in javascript)</ title > </ head > < body >     < script src =" index.js "></ script > </ body > </ html > Index.js // // const a = 15; // var b =  15; // Create a container in the ram named b and assign 15 to it. // // let c = 15; // // a = a+1; // // b= b+1; // // c = c+1; // // var greeter = "hey hi";     // // function newFunction() { // //     var hello = "hello"

How to create a Google site and earn money 2022 (100% guaranteed)

Hey guys how are you all today in this post I am going to tell you that how you can create a google site and start earning money with it so let's begin with this post:- so guys if you want to create a google site then you have to simply go to the  and sign up with you google account for free now you can use a template from the template gallery if you don't have too much time otherwise you can create a google site according to your choice by clicking on the blank. once you clicked on the blank then you will be able to see a page in which you can adjust or change each and every setting of your site. If you want then you can also create a affiliate site using this and assign it to a custom domain after creation. Here you can see what you will see after clicking on blank button: some important points: If you want to add a title to your site then you can click on untitled site on the top left corner and then change the title to whatever you want. now che